12:13 30.07.2013

Largest number of land plots registered in Kyiv and Khmelnytsky regions in H1, 2013, says State Registration Service

2 min read

In the first half of 2013 some 397,991 land plots has been registered in Ukraine, and the largest number of land plots were registered in Kyiv region (41,284) and Khmelnytsky region (26,483), reads a press release of the State Registration Service of Ukraine.

"These are good indicators for us and we've managed to achieve them thanks to the establishment of a well-organized exchange of information with the State Agency for Land Resources, and there is no need to receive an extract from the state land cadastre to register ownership rights to land plots if the land plot has a cadastre entry. At present, we send a request to the State Agency for Land Resources in electronic form and receive the response also in the electronic form, which considerably reduces the time and money expended by citizens to register ownership rights," reads a press release of the State Registration Service, referring the director of the department of state registration of ownership rights to immovable property of the State Registration Service, Mykola Antonov.

According to the report, Chernihiv and Vinnytsia regions follow Kyiv and Khmelnytsky regions in the number of registrations (23,841 and 20,187 land plots respectively), while the smallest number of land plots was registered in Volyn region (8,555) and Zakarpattia region (6,418 land plots).

The State Registration Service has been created in Ukraine, to which from January 1, 2013 the function of state registration of ownership rights to property was transferred from the Technical Inventory Bureau to the service, while the bureau will continue conducting a stocktaking.