17:04 03.06.2013

Ukraine opens office of Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption

1 min read

The Office of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) opened in Kyiv on Monday.

As a correspondent of Interfax-Ukraine reported, MPs from all parliamentary factions and inter-faction MPs have been included in the organization.

UDAR party member Viktor Chumak led the organization.

"MPs from all five parliamentary factions, as well inter-faction deputies have joined this organization. Such a union of the deputies will give us an opportunity to coordinate work on fighting corruption more efficiently," Chumak said during the presentation.

He said the two main priorities of the national office are fighting money laundering, and reinforcing parliamentary controls over measures to combat corruption.

Chumak also said that the GOPAC unite over 500 MPs from 171 countries of the world.