15:07 17.08.2021

Highest level of trust of Ukrainians enjoyed by Ukrainian Armed Forces, ATO veterans, volunteers, doctors, NGOs – poll

3 min read

KYIV. Aug 17 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Armed Forces of Ukraine (34.6%), ATO veterans (34.2%), volunteers (36.2%), doctors (23%), public organizations (8.1%) enjoy the highest level of trust among Ukrainians), according to the results of the monitoring survey of the population of Ukraine "Dynamics of socio-political attitudes and assessments of the population of Ukraine" by the Social Monitoring Center.

There is a positive balance of trust among city/village heads (9.8%), city/town/village councils (1.2%), Internet publications (10.5%), according to a study presented in Interfax-Ukraine on Tuesday.

Negative balance of the level of trust, among political parties (-62.2%), the Verkhovna Rada (-61.8%), the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (-58%), the Prosecutor's Office (-51.3%), the National Bank of Ukraine (-42.1%), the State Security Service of Ukraine (-39.6%), trade unions (-35.1%), President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky (-31%), Ministry of Health of Ukraine (-27.7%), National Police of Ukraine (-26.3%), regional councils (-24.8%), religious organizations (-6.6%). The Ukrainian media (television (-21.2%), radio (-30.3%), newspapers (-30.3%) have a negative balance of the level of trust.

Some 69% of respondents agreed that life in Ukraine is getting worse with every next president (37.7% said that "definitely agree," 31.3% "rather agree"). Some 25.3% disagree with this statement (19.3% said "rather, do not agree," 6% said "definitely do not agree"). Some 5.7% found it difficult to answer.

Some 65.2% agree that regardless of who exactly becomes the next president of Ukraine, this person will represent the interests of only his party and only those voters who live in a certain territory of the country, and not the entire people of Ukraine (28.3% said "definitely agree," 36.9% "rather agree"). Some 26.8% of those who took part in the survey do not agree with this opinion (19% said "rather, do not agree," 7.8% said "definitely do not agree"). Some 8% of respondents found it difficult to answer.

Some 68.7% said they agree that the political split in Ukraine after each presidential election is the main reason why the necessary attention is not paid to reforms in Ukraine, and there are processes of confrontation between supporters and opponents of the elected president (29.4% said "definitely agree," 39.3% "rather agree"). Some 23.3% of the respondents disagree with this (18.7% said "rather, do not agree," 4.6% "definitely do not agree"). Some 8% found it difficult to answer the question.

Some 37.4% answered that the current government can ensure the safety of citizens of Ukraine, 51.3% cannot, and 11% found it difficult to answer.

Some 10.7% of respondents indicated that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky is completely independent in his decisions and actions, 40.6% "in some issues – independent, in others – dependent", 42% "completely dependent on the influence of other countries and international organizations." Some 6.7% found it difficult to answer.

Some 7.8% of respondents noted that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is completely independent in its decisions and actions, some 40.9% "in some issues some independent, in others dependent," 42.3% "completely dependent on the influence of other countries and international organizations." Some 9% did not answer the question.

The survey was conducted from August 2 to August 11, 2021. Some 3,012 respondents took part in it. The method of collecting information is a personal interview at the place of residence of the respondent, the standard deviation is from 1.1% to 1.9%.