15:11 12.08.2021

Some 29% of Ukrainians never visit Kharkiv, but every third would like to live there – poll

2 min read

KYIV. Aug 12 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Some 29% of Ukrainians have never been to Kharkiv, with 7% visiting the city frequently, 18% occasionally and 46% rarely, according to a sociological survey conducted by sociologists at Karazin Kharkiv National University together with New Image Marketing Group from May 19 to May 27 and presented at the Interfax-Ukraine press center on Thursday.

At the same time, 19% of Kyiv residents often visit Kharkiv and only 15% of the capital's residents have never been to this city. Some 25% of residents of eastern Ukraine have never been to Kharkiv and only 7% go there often. Most often they come to Kharkiv to see friends (42%), for tourist purposes (38%) or for work (33%).

Some 65% of Kharkiv residents and 33% of residents of other regions note that they like the city very much, and 18% and 32% of respondents from relevant groups rather like it.

Some 33% of residents of all Ukraine said that they would like to live in Kharkiv, 40% would not want to, the rest found it difficult to answer. Among Kyiv residents, 28% of respondents would like to live in Kharkiv, 36% would not want to, and among residents of eastern regions of the country – 41% and 33%, respectively.

Some 11% of Kharkiv residents noted that they do not feel safe in their district of the city, 65% of the surveyed residents of Kharkiv called their district safe (including 14% – completely safe). At the same time, 30% of Kharkiv residents noted that there are dangerous places in their district, which they avoid visiting and do not recommend that others appear there, and 56% – that there are no such places.

Some 79% of Ukrainians consider Kharkiv a tourist attractive city, 10% – a tourist unattractive destination, the rest found it difficult to answer. Among Kharkiv residents, 81% and 13%, respectively, hold this opinion, among Kyiv residents – 80% and 13%, and among residents of eastern regions – 85% and 6%.

Some 83% would like to visit Kharkiv as a tourist, and 11% would not. Among Kyiv residents, 81% and 10%, respectively, among residents of eastern regions – 93% and 4%, and among residents of western regions – 79% and 12%.

The survey was conducted online on the Lemur platform, the sample is 201 residents of the city of Kharkiv and 465 residents of other regions of Ukraine.