Demand for installation of solar power plants in 2020 drops significantly – market players
KYIV. Nov 20 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Representatives of companies engaged in the design, construction of solar power plants, as well as equipment for them, note a significant decrease in demand for their services from customers due to the instability of conditions for the development of the industry and growing debts for "green" electricity.
"We say that in the three quarters of this year, 1,260 MW of renewable energy generation facilities were launched. It is rather a moment of inertia. If we filter out all those facilities for which it was decided to invest in the current year, when all these problems began, very little of this figure will remain, maybe 10%," CEO of the Voltage Group, which implements projects for the design and construction of power facilities, Vitaliy Nykolayenko, said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Friday.
At the same time, he said that this year "the demand for industrial solar power plants fell by 100%."
In turn, the owner and CEO of Atmosfera, positioning itself as a distributor of technologies and equipment for renewable energy, Oleksiy Badika noted the decline in demand for the installation of home solar power plants this year "by about half."
In addition, Director General of high-voltage equipment manufacturer Volten Group Oleksandr Suslov said: "By the beginning of the year, we had plans to participate in 200 MW projects, as a result – 13 MW in a year. This is a catastrophic decline in the industry."