14:50 09.06.2020

Local election campaign in fact has started – Chernenko

1 min read

KYIV. June 9 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The local election campaign in fact has started before its official announcement, political expert of the October 25 initiative, MP of the 8th convocation Oleksandr Chernenko said.

"In fact the local campaign is already in progress. The campaign is mainly related to the election of mayors in big cities and regional centers. Taking into account the way it is beginning, we can see a rather hot start," he said during an inline conference hosted by Interfax-Ukraine on Tuesday.

Active "board campaign" [placement of candidates' advertising on advertising boards] is in progress, parties titled with the names of their leaders are being actively created.

Chernenko also said that almost every regional center and the capital of Ukraine will become "hot spots" during the upcoming local elections.

"Black technologies, provocations and political trolling" will be used during the local elections, the expert said.