Some 43.3% Kyiv residents say situation in Ukraine developing in the wrong direction, 35.4% say disagree – SOCIS survey
KYIV. May 26 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Some 43.3% of Kyiv residents believe that the situation in Ukraine is developing in the wrong direction, while 30% disagree, saying some aspects improving and some not. Some 17.8% believe that the situation in the country is moving in the right direction.
Those are the results of a survey conducted in Kyiv from May 8 through May 20 by the Center for Social and Marketing Research SOCIS presented at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine, 35.4% of residents of Kyiv believe that the situation in the city is developing in the wrong direction, 31.8% said some things are developing in the right way (and others not), while while 23.3% believe that the situation in Kyiv is moving in the right direction.
Some 73.2% of respondents in Kyiv said the economic situation in the country is the most troublesome aspect of the situation, unemployment -71.4%, living standards - 69.8% and utility tariffs - 56.3%.
Some 10.3% see improvement with the peace process, while 52% do not see changes and 30.6% see deterioration. Some 9.6% of the respondents believe that medical care in the country has improved, 26.3% do not see changes and 50.4% see deterioration. Some 8.4% noted an improvement in the fight against corruption, while 48.3% believe that the situation is unchanged. Some 33.9% said that the situation is deteriorating.
The topic of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is very important for 49.2% of the respondents in Kyiv, and for 15.1% it is extremely important. For 19.2% it is moderately important, for 6.4% it is of little importance, and for 8.3% it is not important at all.
Some 73.5% of Kyiv residents most often receive information from news sites on the Internet, 61.9% from social networks, 52.8% from national and regional television, 17.3% from friends, colleagues, relatives, and neighbors.
Among the TV channels, Kyiv residents watch 1+1 the most (31%), ICTV (21.5%), Ukraine (19.1%), Inter (14.9%), 112 Ukraine (13.7%), Pryamiy (11.8%), STB (10.9%), News One (9.3%), Channel 24 (8.2%), less than 7% watch other TV channels.
Some 4,000 respondents were interviewed by telephone for the survey, which was made in all 10 administrative and territorial areas of Kyiv. The statistical error of the survey is 1.9%.