12:03 08.04.2023

De-occupation of Crimea has no alternative – Zelenskyy

2 min read

Ukraine will return to Crimea, the aggressor will lose and then peace will return to the world, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said, speaking at the Iftar ceremony in Kyiv on Friday, a dinner held during the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims.

“We will return to Crimea. And then peace will return to the world because the aggressor will lose. The victory of Ukraine will mean the victory of life – the life of all of us, all Ukrainians, of absolutely all denominations, of different origins, but with one dream and one faith – faith in goodness," the President said.

"We will not forget that it was with the occupation of the Ukrainian Crimea, it was with the repression in Crimea against Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar freedom, against Crimean Muslims, that Russia's attempt to put Ukraine and other peoples of Europe in servile conditions began," Zelenskyy said.

According to him, “evil, humiliation, repression, murders, and war reign on the land of Crimea now, under the Russian tricolor ... But where the path of evil began, that is where victory awaits us – victory over this evil.”

“The de-occupation of Crimea has no alternative, not only for Ukraine but also for the whole world. For order in the world, based on conventions and the UN Charter, and not on the criminal habits of murderers, rapists and robbers that Russia is trying to spread," he said.

"I believe that prayers for peace for our entire earth will be answered without exception. Ukraine deserves it just like all other countries everywhere where God has blessed the earth with life," the president said.