OSCE Media Freedom Rep recommends Ukrainian authorities scrutinize media outlets before subjecting them to sanctions – statement

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Teresa Ribeiro expressed her concern about the imposition of sanctions by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) against several media outlets, recommending that each publication be thoroughly checked before imposing restrictions on them.
"While Ukraine has a legitimate right to protect its national security, the authorities should find a balanced and proportional solution in addressing media related concerns, a solution that preserves media pluralism, free flow of information and diversity of opinions in line with relevant international standards and OSCE commitments," Ribeiro said in a statement on the OSCE website on Wednesday.
It notes that media freedom is dependent on a healthy, vibrant and competitive landscape which includes "voices that provide a variety of news."
"Any sanctions on media should be subject to careful scrutiny, accompanied by effective procedural safeguards to prevent undue interference," Ribeiro said.
Ribeiro's statement followed after the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine adopted a decision to impose sanctions against a number of individuals and legal entities, which banned access to Strana.ua, Vedomosti and Moskovsky Komsomolets.