18:51 14.04.2021

Ukroboronprom ready to double production of weapons due to escalation from Russia

1 min read
Ukroboronprom ready to double production of weapons due to escalation from Russia

State defense enterprises, which are part of Ukroboronprom, are ready to produce twice as much of the products necessary for the Ukrainian army, if, due to the military escalation on the Ukrainian-Russian border, such a need arises, the concern's official statement says.

"Taking into account the pulling together of the troops of the aggressor country to the state border of Ukraine, the concern has developed and sent to the participating enterprises a plan of measures aimed at strengthening our defense capability," Director General of Ukroboronprom Yuriy Husev said.

It is noted that in 2020 the enterprises of the concern fulfilled the state defense order by 100%, despite the fact that "every fifth contract was completed ahead of schedule." In general, production volumes in 2020 amounted to UAH 30.2 billion.

"However, the potential of the state defense enterprises is much greater," Ukroboronprom noted.