Medical Procurement of Ukraine announces blocking of its work by Health Ministry

The state-owned enterprise Medical Procurement of Ukraine announces the blocking of its work due to the failure of the Health Ministry to approve a temporary plan for the use of budgetary funds for 2021, which makes it impossible to finance the operational activities of the enterprise.
"The Ministry of Health did not approve a temporary plan for the use of budgetary funds for 2021, sent in advance. Without the approval of financial support from the Health Ministry, since the beginning of January 2021, the work of the state-owned enterprise has been blocked," the Medical Procurement of Ukraine wrote on Facebook.
The enterprise, in particular, explains: due to the lack of funding, the state-owned enterprise cannot accept and deliver goods, including medicines and medical products purchased under state programs, as well as personal protective equipment and goods purchased to counter coronavirus (COVID-19) disease, in particular protective suits and robes, medical masks, rapid tests for the determination of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus antigen and medicines.
The Medical Procurement of Ukraine is also unable to continue collecting information on the balances of medical goods, to collect data to form national statistics on combating COVID-19.
"The functioning of our MedData system is under threat, since we need to purchase the capacity of the servers on which the system will be located this year [the preliminary contract was limited to 2020]. We collect data from hundreds of hospitals and laboratories throughout Ukraine. This data is used by the Cabinet of Ministers and NSDC for planning the fight against the spread of the disease. We provide technical support for the system and all key communication for the data formation," the enterprise said.
In addition, the Medical Procurement of Ukraine said that the lack of funding does not allow signing and exchanging documents with logistics partners, suppliers, the State Treasury Service, the Ministry of Health and other structures, keeping records of goods, generating reports on the implementation of budget programs, closing prepayments of the State Treasury Service, as well as conducting anti-corruption expertise of counterparts.
"This is not an exhaustive list of those processes that are blocked due to the delays of the Ministry of Health with the approval of the financial support of the state-owned enterprise. We appeal to the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Health and all government agencies involved in this process. Such documents as the nomenclature of goods for procurement, passports of budget programs and a plan for budget funds use for 2021, which, among other things, ensure the operational activities of the enterprise, must be approved without delay. Daily delay endangers patients, creates inconvenience to suppliers, damages the reputation of the enterprise as a reliable buyer," the enterprise said.