Zelensky: Ukraine will start moving towards 'paperless' workflow regime from 2021

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has announced that from 2021 Ukraine will begin entering the regime of reducing the number of paper documents and moving to a complete rejection of them.
"The year of 2021 will be the beginning of the country's entry into the 'paperless' regime. That is, no more papers. This applies to all state bodies. And most importantly, no state institution will be able to demand from Ukrainians any certificates, extracts or other endless pieces of paper required to receive certain government services," he said, speaking at the Diia Summit.
Zelensky recalled that an ambitious goal was set in his election program to make the "State in a Smartphone."
"Then a lot of people twisted, excuse me, a finger to their temples, and said that all this is impossible. But after a year citizens of Ukraine were able to download the Diia mobile application in App Store and Google Play, obtain permits in the developer's e-office, register an individual entrepreneur in 15 minutes, faster than in most countries of the world, to use the "e-baby" service and receive services on one application in the hospital or online," he said.
The president pointed out that a year later, Ukraine became the fourth country in Europe to have a digital driver's license and the first country in the world to have a digital passport with which one can travel or open a bank account online.
"This is only a tenth of our big plans and only the beginning of the road to a digital state, where one hundred percent of services will be online, and bureaucracy and corruption will become atypical. Digital Ukraine is not only convenient, it is a powerful economic development, because the share of the digital economy in the world is growing very rapidly," he said.
Zelensky also noted that a few weeks ago he signed a decree on creating favorable conditions for the development of the IT industry in Ukraine.
"In addition, the draft law on the Diia City is defined as urgent. This is a unique story, according to which a special legal and economic zone for the creative economy will be created. And we are waiting for its adoption by parliament as soon as possible," he stressed.