09:44 14.04.2020

MHP sees net profit rise by 1.7 times in 2019

1 min read
MHP sees net profit rise by 1.7 times in 2019

The net profit of Myronivsky Hliboproduct agricultural holding (MHP) in 2019 increased by 1.7 times compared to 2018, to $215 million.

According to a company report on the London Stock Exchange's website, its revenue last year increased by 32%, to $2.06 billion, due to the increased sales of chicken, vegetable oil and semi-finished products, as well as the purchase of PP.

Export revenue amounted to $1.19 billion, which is 58% of total revenue (60% in 2018). Export revenue increased by 28% compared to 2018 due to the growth in sales of grain, vegetable oil and meat products.