17:17 09.03.2020

Investigators continue establishing other guilty into MH17 crash tragedy

1 min read
Investigators continue establishing other guilty into MH17 crash tragedy

The investigators continue establishing other possible perpetrators into the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 tragedy, head of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) Fred Westerbeke said.

The trial over four defendants has begun, but we continue to search for other evidence and other suspects. We want to establish the whole truth, he told Interfax-Ukraine correspondent during a break of the trial over MH17 that started on Monday morning at the Schiphol Justice Complex (the Netherlands).

He said the investigation was working into two directions.

He said that first of all the investigators were searching into possible team, people, who operated the Buk missile, and were looking for information regarding the people involved in transportation of the Buk to Ukraine and those, who asked to bring it.