Group of deputies asks Constitutional Court to declare unconstitutional laws on special status of Donbas, amnesty for collaborationists

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine (CC) will receive a motion with signatures of 53 deputies on declaring unconstitutional laws on the special status of Donbas and an amnesty for collaborators, Deputy Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Oksana Syroid has said.
Syroid, before submitting the motion to the Constitutional Court, told reporters in Kyiv on Friday that the constitutional motion was signed by 53 deputies, in particular the entire faction of the Samopomich party.
"I hope that the current composition of the Constitutional Court will be accountable to the people. The first decision that the CC should take is to take up this case in its proceedings, and then there will be a substantive review. We hope that the CC will be on the side of the state and the people to protect us against Russian aggression," she said.
Syroid stressed that the Constitutional Court should verify the compliance of these two laws with a number of articles of the Constitution.
She also noted that "recognition of the law on special status as unconstitutional is a huge legal weapon against Russia," since Russian aggression must be fought not only by military methods.
Speaking about how citizens of Ukraine can benefit from these laws if they are recognized unconstitutional, Oksana Syroid said: "This will actually stop attempts to further introduce any special status for any occupied territories. That is, it will be a signal that the seizure of Ukraine's territories won't be a tool of influence on Ukraine's domestic and foreign policy. This means "no" to federalization, "no" to destruction of independence, undermining sovereignty, "no" to the official status of the Russian language ... This is a serious signal for the Russian Federation to stop disintegration of Ukraine from inside."