Ukrainian rights commissioner asks Russian counterpart to look into living conditions, health of Kolchenko, who has ended hunger strike

Ukrainian Human Rights Commissioner Liudmyla Denisova has sent a message to Russian Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova following reports of the declining health of Ukrainian Oleksandr Kolchenko, who was convicted in Russia.
Kolchenko ended his hunger strike for health reasons on June 7; he had become very weak and begun fainting, and his weight had declined to 54 kilograms, the human rights commissioner's office said on Thursday.
Denisova asked Moskalkova to personally look into Kolchenko's living conditions in prison and the possibility of giving him medical assistance.
The Northern Caucasus District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don sentenced Sentsov, who was detained in Crimea in 2014, to 20 years in a high-security penitentiary in August 2015 for an attempt to set up a terrorist group in Crimea. Kolchenko was sentenced to ten years in prison in the same case.
On May 14, 2018, Sentsov went on hunger strike and demanded the release of all Ukrainian citizens held in Russia.
Kolchenko went on hunger strike and demanded Sentsov's release on May 31.
Kolchenko ended his hunger strike on June 7 after his health declined.
He lost ten kilos in the course of the hunger strike and the preparations for it. He is serving his term in Penal Colony 6 in Kopeisk, Chelyabinsk region.
The press service for the regional directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service confirmed to Interfax that the protest has ended.
"Convict Kolchenko wrote a statement saying he was ending his hunger strike and began taking food on Thursday morning. He is currently in a medical unit under doctors' observation. His health is stable and there are no plans to transfer him to a prison hospital," the press service said.