Tillerson to discuss Ukraine at meetings in London, Paris - State Dept

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson during his visits to Britain and France on January 21-23 will discuss a number of issues, including Ukraine.
On January 21, he will arrive in London, where he will meet with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and National Security Advisor Mark Sedwill "to discuss cooperation on issues of mutual concern around the world, including Iran, Syria, Libya, the DPRK and Ukraine," the U/S/ State Department reported on its website.
In addition, in Paris, on January 23, the U.S. Secretary of State will meet with high-ranking French officials to discuss global issues, including Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, the DPRK and Ukraine.
It is also reported that Tillerson intends to go to Davos (Switzerland) and Warsaw (Poland) on January 24-27.