14:46 21.09.2017

Creation of anti-corruption chamber in Supreme Court is impractical - EBRD

1 min read
Creation of anti-corruption chamber in Supreme Court is impractical - EBRD

The creation of the anti-corruption chamber in the Supreme Court of Ukraine is the impractical tool, EBRD Managing Director for Eastern Europe and the Caucasus Francis Malige has said.

The creation of the anti-corruption chamber in the Supreme Court means that you will lose a case in the lower instance and then in the upper instance, and then the case will arrive to the anti-corruption chamber, he said at the Ukrainian Financial Forum organized by ICU Investment Group in Odesa on Thursday.

He did not advice to apply it in practice.

Malige said that in other countries all civil courts are anti-corruption courts. If in France you face corruption you can go any court, not waiting for the anti-corruption court. All courts are not corrupted and this tool for Ukraine is temporary, he said.