Kistion predicts decline in coal stocks at TPPs over summer consumption peak, repair of NPP reactors

Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Kistion has predicted a small decline in coal stocks at warehouses of thermal power plants (TPPs) over the summer peak of electricity consumption and scheduled repair of reactors of nuclear power plants (NPPs), which will be prepared for the winter period.
"Summer is the second peak period when the Ukrainian power grid should operate under the spotlight. Now everything is in line with the schedule not only for coal accumulation, but also in electricity generation," the press service of the Ukrainian government reported, citing Kistion.
He said that today coal stocks at warehouses of TPPs and combined heat and power plants (CHPPs) total 2.344 million tonnes, including 1.477 million tonnes of gas coal and 867,000 tonnes of anthracite. Anthracite stocks continue expanding, and the plants burning gas coal have the main burden.