15:07 11.12.2017

Ukraine to cut anthracite consumption to 5 mln tonnes in 2017

1 min read
Ukraine to cut anthracite consumption to 5 mln tonnes in 2017

Ukraine this year would reduce anthracite consumption to 5 million tonnes, which is almost 50% less than the figure for the previous year, the press service of the government has reported, referring to Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Kistion.

"If earlier we consumed over 9 million tonnes of anthracite coal a year, at the end of this year it would be around 5 million tonnes. This became possible thanks to the measures taken by the government to switch anthracite-burning units of Ukrainian TPPs [thermal power plants] to consumption of gas coal," the press service said, citing Kistion.

He said that for the second month in a row Ukrainian TPPs cut anthracite consumption: in November 2016 Ukraine burned 806,000 tonnes of anthracite, in November 2017 – 532,000 tonnes.

Kistion said that the strategic task for next year is boosting gas coal production.