13:10 24.11.2015

Benelux foreign ministers support prolonging Russian sanctions until Minsk agreements are implemented

2 min read
Benelux foreign ministers support prolonging Russian sanctions until Minsk agreements are implemented

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has stressed the importance of the EU’s consolidated position on sanctions against Russia and its common approach in fighting against terrorism while speaking with the Benelux foreign ministers

"It is very important that we have a joint and consolidated position with the European Union on sanctions against Russia given the occupation of Donbas and Crimea," Poroshenko said at a meeting with Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders, the Foreign Minister of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn, and Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders.

The ministers reaffirmed their support for the peace process. They noted the efforts of in Ukrainian authorities towards fulfilling their obligations despite the difficult situation on the contact line as Ukraine has completed the withdrawal of tanks, artillery with a caliber of less than 100 mm, and mortar launchers with a caliber of less than 120 mm.

The foreign minister confirmed that Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands agree with the necessity of prolonging the sanctions against Russia until the Minsk agreements are fully implemented.

They said the EU has not forgotten about Ukraine and confirmed its firm solidarity with the people of Ukraine in upholding Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

According to the president's press service, Poroshenko and the foreign ministers discussed their approaches towards the global fight against terrorism in light of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris. They expressed their common position on the necessity of uniting the efforts of the international community in preventing and overcoming terrorism.

"Under the conditions of a severe terrorist threat after the tragedy in Paris and the terrorist attack in Mali, I would like to state that we stand side-by-side with our partners in the struggle against terrorism," Poroshenko stressed.

He stressed that Ukraine remains committed to finding the perpetrators of the MH17 tragedy and establishing a respective tribunal.

The politicians also discussed topical issues in interaction between Ukraine and the EU.