16:38 16.11.2015

Countering use of Internet for terror purposes to become part of comprehensive approach towards counter-terrorism – G20 statement

1 min read

The G20 nations have called for efforts to counter the use of Internet by terrorists.

The G20 efforts in fighting terrorism must continue being part of a comprehensive approach that involves measures to eliminate conditions fostering the spread of terrorism, as defined in the UN Security Council Resolution N2178: countering violent extremism, fight against radicalization and recruitment, hampering movement of terrorists, discontinuing terror propaganda and preventing the use by terrorists of technologies, communication media and resources for mobilizing support for acts of terrorism, including via the Internet, the G20 leaders said in the statement on counter-terrorism.

Direct or indirect encouragement of terrorism, incitement of terrorist attacks and glorification of violence must be stopped, the document said.

The G20 recognizes the need at every level to make active efforts to prevent violent extremism and help civil society get young people involved in these missions and ensure interaction among all members of society, the document said.