Netherlands to present MH17 crash report without publication on Aug 10 – Ukrainian Foreign Ministry

The Netherlands will present a report on an investigation into the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) crash in eastern Ukraine at an August 10 closed session of an international task force investigating the crash but will not publish it for the time being, Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Olena Zerkal said.
"The task force is supposed to meet on August 10 in keeping with Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. They [the Netherlands] will present this report at the working meeting," Zerkal told Interfax on Tuesday.
The report will only be discussed at this meeting and will not be published because the meeting will be held behind closed doors, she said.
The report on the technical causes of the crash to be presented at the meeting has been drawn up by the Dutch Safety Board, Zerkal said. "This is an independent aviation inquiry," she said.
Dutch Safety Board spokesperson Sara Vernooij had denied earlier in an interview with Interfax that the final report on the MH17 crash would be published on August 10, saying that the work was continuing, and the Safety Board planned to publish its report in October.
Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Hennadiy Zubko had said on July 17 that the Netherlands would present conclusions by a technical commission investigating the MH17 crash by the end of the summer.
A Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur crashed near the village of Hrabove, not far from the town of Torez, in the Donetsk region of Ukraine on July 17, 2014. All the 283 passengers and 15 crewmembers aboard the plane were killed.