10:28 10.12.2014

1+1 International TV channel to broadcast in Canada

1 min read
1+1 International TV channel to broadcast in Canada

The 1+1 International TV channel has obtained a license to broadcast in Canada, and is to be launched via premium TV networks, the press service of "1+1 Media" reported.

"Obtaining the license in Canada was one of the strategic goals of the channel in 2014. There is a large Ukrainian community there; about 4% of Canada's population are Ukrainians. Although the number of Ukrainian speakers is much less – nearly 130,000, this number is still very large," the press service quoted General Producer of 1+1 International Vladyslav Svinchenko.

According to the statement, 1+1 International will remain available as part of local IP-provider packages in Canada.

1+1 Media holding controls 1+1, 2+2, TET, PlusPlus and Unian-TV channels, UNIAN news agency, Glavred and Telekritika online projects.