Communists want to persuade Yanukovych to join Customs Union, says Kilinkarov
The Communist Party wants to use the meeting of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych with representatives of parliamentary factions to convey their view on the country's foreign policy to the head of state, MP Spiridon Kilinkarov of the Communist Party told Ukrainian television's Channel 5.
"We will convey our viewpoint on foreign policy. At present, four factions in parliament have their own vision of the foreign policy - European integration. We have an alternative angle, as we see Ukraine's future in the Customs Union. And we want to get out our message on foreign policy. As for economic issues, we have a number of drafted bills, about forty of them, which we'd like to offer as an anti-crisis program. We would like to discuss all of this with the president," the press service of Channel 5 quoted Kilinkarov as saying.