12:44 25.09.2012

CIS premiers to address over 20 topics in Yalta

2 min read

More than 20 issues, including different aspects of cooperation as part of integration processes within the CIS, have been included in the agenda of a meeting of CIS member states' prime ministers in Yalta, Ukraine, on September 28.

"Among other topics, the sides plan to debate a 2012-2014 action plan to implement the CIS interstate innovative cooperation program for the period up to 2020. A strategy of CIS states' cooperation in building and promoting their information society and an appropriate action plan for the period up to 2015," CIS Executive Committee spokesman Vladimir Nikanorov told Interfax.

The session is also expected to address Uzbekistan's participation in the Free Trade Zone Treaty, as well as the state of competition in CIS member states' retail chain stores.

The prime ministers will be informed of the progress made in establishing a venue for permanent exhibitions of CIS member countries on the premises of the All Russian Exhibition Center in Moscow.

A concept of the Mir 24 TV news channel will be discussed as well.

The CIS premiers will also decide whether to grant the status of CIS framework organizations to the CIS International Innovative Center of Nanotechnologies, the Russian government's University of Finance and the National University of Ukraine's State Tax Service.

Other topics on the meeting's agenda include the formation of a CIS regional consultative group within the Financial Stability Board, which was set up by the G20 member countries in 2009 to coordinate efforts of the national financial authorities at the international level, as well as the functioning of international organizations in charge of regulating and supervising the financial sector.