19:31 20.05.2024

Ministry of Strategic Industries expands criteria for military reservation of defense industry workers

2 min read

The Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine has approved two criteria that provide grounds for reservation from 50% of employees of defense industrial companies, regardless of military specialty.

"From now on, enterprises, institutions and organizations involved in production of goods, performance of work and provision of defense services for the development, manufacture, repair, modernization and disposal of weapons, military and special equipment, ammunition, and their components must meet one of two criteria," the website of the Ministry of Strategic Industries reported on Monday.

According to the release, to book under the first criterion, you need to be a contractor or co-executor of a government contract in the field of defense or an agreement on production of defense goods at the expense of extra-budgetary funds, the source of which is not prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine.

At the same time, defense goods must be supplied to military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations, and more than 50% of the total production volume of the enterprise must be defense goods, works and services, regardless of the source of financing.

The second criterion for booking more than 50% of defense industry workers is that the companies are recipients of grant support for the development of innovations and technologies for defense needs (Brave1).

"Thus, the changes actually expand the list of criteria, the ministry indicated. The first combines the two that have been in place so far, while adding extra-budgetary sources of funding. And the second makes it possible for companies at the stage of developing their product in the defense industry to obtain a basis for booking," the ministry explained.

List of documents and action algorithms according to updates published on the website of the Ministry of Strategic Industries.