Sweden opens export credit guarantees for Ukraine worth SEK 333 mln; to open sales office in Kyiv

The Swedish Export Credit Corporation began accepting applications for special credit guarantees for exports to Ukraine on March 1, the total limit of guarantees according to the country's budget for 2024 is SEK 333 million ($32.1 million at the current exchange rate).
As stated in the Swedish Export Credit Corporation's report, this became possible after the corresponding resolution was adopted by the Swedish government on February 29.
As noted in the press release, the government, in addition to new export credit guarantees, also decided to open an office of the trade secretary in Kyiv and appoint a new trade secretary.
"Export credit guarantees and the opening of a new trade office in Kyiv will make it easier for Swedish companies to invest in Ukraine. This is also a concrete example of how the government is working to increase the synergy between aid, trade and business promotion," Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell said.
It is indicated that guarantees will be provided for exports that can contribute to the development and welfare of Ukraine.