15:21 27.09.2023

Rada proposes legislation to reform BES changed

3 min read
Rada proposes legislation to reform BES changed

Among the priority measures to reform the Bureau of Economic Security (BES) is the reformatting of the composition of the competition commission by appointing the director of the BES. This follows from bill No. 10088 "On priority steps to reform the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine" published on the website of the Verkhovna Rada.

As noted in an explanatory note to the bill, its authors propose, following the example of the practices of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, to reformat the composition of the competition commission by appointing the director of the BES and change the requirements for its activities, which will ensure the holding of a new transparent competition for occupying the position of head of the Bureau with the participation of international experts in the competition commission.

In particular, the bill proposes to reduce the number of members of the competition commission to seven people: three, determined by the Cabinet of Ministers, and four, also recommended by the Cabinet on the basis of proposals from international and foreign organizations, which, during the last three years before the end of the term of office of the director of the BES or until the day early termination of his powers provided Ukraine with international technical assistance in the areas of structural reforms, financial and technical support, reform of criminal justice authorities, in particular stopping and combating criminal offenses in the economic sphere, corruption, money laundering, terrorist financing and weapons proliferation mass destruction (in the current law, the competition commission has nine members: three people each recommended by the National Security and Defense Council, the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers).

In addition, it is proposed to remove from the law the provision according to which a member of the competition commission shall be a citizen of Ukraine. The bill also stipulates that a member of the competition commission can participate in its meeting remotely via video conference.

The authors of the bill also propose to introduce a new provision into the law, according to which the activities of the competition commission and its members can be financed by attracting international technical assistance.

The bill provides that within a year, current BES employees shall undergo certification, the procedure for which is approved by the BES director and carried out by a personnel commission in the central office. During certification, the personnel commission assesses professional competence, level of knowledge and skills, professional ethics, virtue and the presence of conflicts of interest.