19:47 04.05.2023

List of territories exempt from paying real estate tax needs to be finalized - EBA

2 min read

The European Business Association (EBA) asks to finalize the list of territories exempt from paying real estate tax, according to a release from the association.

As reported, the president of Ukraine signed law No. 7632 on exemption from tax on real estate, other than land, for destroyed or damaged real estate. The list of territories exempt from paying real estate tax has been officially approved.

The association's experts cooperated with the working group under the parliamentary committee on finance, taxation and customs policy, providing relevant arguments and proposals from the business in the working order, and most of their proposals were taken into account, the EBA said. Nevertheless, in the opinion of business, the Tax Code and the list of occupied territories compiled by the Ministry of Reintegration have several more inaccuracies and require further refinement.

"In particular, there are cases when the list of occupied territories subject to tax exemption does not include at all cities and territories located far from the front line, but on which significant missile strikes were carried out, real estate was destroyed, for example, we are talking about Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Dnipro, Uman, Chernihiv, Kyiv, etc.," the EBA release says.

In this regard, the association appeals to the Ministry of Reintegration with a request to regularly supplement the list with information about the territories, which, although they are far from the front line, unfortunately, also suffered destruction and losses.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the issue of territories that are mined, but not yet surveyed and information has not been entered into the state geological cadaster (in particular, the size of such a plot) has remained unresolved - because now, for the period before entering information into the state cadaster, taxpayers will not be able to receive exemption from tax payment.

"It can take years to clear such areas, and during this time such land is unsuitable for cultivation, therefore it is unfair to levy taxes on such areas. Therefore, the EBA additionally appeals to the Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy with the request to continue work on improving this list in the context of mined areas," the release says.