Every fifth Ukrainian company plans staff cuts in next six months - grc.ua

Over the seven months of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, almost 40% of companies have cut various numbers of personnel, another 2% of enterprises and organizations have ceased their activities, this is evidenced by a survey conducted by the grc.ua personnel portal in September 2022 among company representatives in different industries in all regions of Ukraine.
Despite the gradual recovery of the labor market after a complete fall at the end of February 2022, the number of vacancies is still lower compared to the pre-war period, and the wave of cuts will continue, the portal says.
As the September survey shows, in the next six months, almost 7% of enterprises and organizations plan to reduce staff. 14.5% of companies are highly likely to use this unpopular cost optimization method in the near future.
Slightly more than half (58.1%) of the surveyed companies do not yet plan staff reduction, but they assume that it is possible due to the difficulty of accurate forecasts in an unstable war situation.
Only every fifth company (20.5%) is confident that it will not make staff cuts in the next six months.
Among the companies planning to reduce the staff, the largest share assumes that 6-15% of employees will be affected by optimization measures. Mass layoffs from 30% of the staff and more than 50% of the staff are planned by the smallest number of enterprises and organizations.