Sales of salt in Silpo chain quadruple, of vinegar triple, and of sugar double in June

In June, the Silpo supermarket chain recorded a fourfold increase in sales of salt, 3.5 times of soda, three times of vinegar, and twice as much sugar as compared to June last year, the retailer's press service reported.
As noted in the release, the excitement for these categories of goods was caused by a chain reaction after the news about the suspension of the work of the Artemsol enterprise in Donetsk region. In particular, despite the fact that simultaneously with the suspension, Silpo brought sufficient volumes of salt to Ukraine from Poland, Romania, Turkey and Bulgaria, demand for salt quadrupled, and the very possibility of its shortage triggered an increase in demand for other social goods.
In June, sales of soda increased by 2.5 times, which Silpo delivers mainly from Turkey.
Certain interruptions in the supply of vinegar were observed in early June. There are two large vinegar producers in Ukraine, they depend on the supply of acetic acid from abroad, but they managed to establish supplies and stabilize the situation.
The sale of sugar doubled. The supermarket chain coped with increased demand by increasing the supplies of Ukrainian sugar producers.
The Silpo chain, part of Fozzy Group, consists of 325 supermarkets in 60 cities of Ukraine and four Le Silpo deli markets in Kyiv, Dnipro, Kharkov and Odesa.
Fozzy Group is one of the largest Ukrainian retailers with more than 690 outlets throughout the country.