13:11 01.12.2021

Govt increases receipts of 2022 state budget in bill for second reading by UAH 55 bln, outlays by UAH 56 bln

2 min read
Govt increases receipts of 2022 state budget in bill for second reading by UAH 55 bln, outlays by UAH 56 bln

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has increased the receipts of the state budget for 2022 in the version of bill No. 6000 for the second reading by UAH 55 billion, to UAH 1.322 trillion, including an increase in the receipts of the general fund by UAH 78 billion, to UAH 1.181 trillion, according to the updated version of the bill posted on the website of the parliament.

According to the materials of the bill, the government laid down in it an increase in outlays by UAH 56 billion, to UAH 1.497 trillion, including the increase in outlays of the general fund by UAH 50 billion.

At the same time, the government proposes to increase the limit of the state budget deficit for the second reading by UAH 792 million, to UAH 188.798 billion. As for the receipts, payments from royalties have been increased by almost UAH 25 billion, to UAH 71.25 billion. In particular, the plan of receipts from gas royalty was increased by UAH 22.7 billion. At the same time, the expected income from ore royalties was increased by UAH 0.24 billion, to UAH 4.7 billion.

In general, the plan for tax receipts of the state budget 2022 for the second reading increased by UAH 64 billion, to UAH 1.167 trillion.

Receipts from the NBU in 2022 are proposed to be set at the level of almost UAH 13.6 billion.

At the same time, the bill on the state budget for 2022 proposes to remove the wording on the limit of guaranteed public debt, leaving the level of the limit of the public debt at the same level – UAH 2.725 trillion. At the same time, in 2022 state guarantees can be issued, in particular, by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers in the amount of up to 3% of the planned income of the general fund of the state budget.

Earlier it was reported that Ukraine, within the framework of a memorandum with the International Monetary Fund, pledged to return to the practice of limiting state guarantees to 3% of the receipts of the general fund of the state budget per year from 2022.

The updated version of the bill on the state budget for next year also proposes the distribution of 64% of the proceeds from the personal income tax, which is paid in the respective territories, to the general fund of local budgets.