12:40 12.05.2021

Normal work of BES means end of shadow economy in one year or two – MP Hetmantsev

2 min read
Normal work of BES means end of shadow economy in one year or two – MP Hetmantsev

The effective work of the new body – the Bureau of Economic Security (BES) should significantly reduce the shadow economy in one or two years, Head of the parliamentary committee on finance, tax and customs policy Danylo Hetmantsev has said.

"The normal work of the BES means the end of the shadow [economy] in a year or two years," Hetmantsev said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

The head of the committee also added that in view of this, the new body may be discredited even before its creation.

When asked whether he himself plans to run for the post of BES head, Hetmantsev declined to answer: "A day will pass and there will be food."

At the same time, in a commentary on the statement of current head of the State Fiscal Service Vadym Melnyk about his intention to apply for this position, he said that this would depend on the effectiveness of the SFS.

"I am strongly opposed to labeling anyone only because the person worked somewhere. Concerning Mr. Melnyk, I can say: a lot will depend on whether he will work in the new body (not necessarily as its head, maybe in another position) and on how today the SFS fulfills the tasks set by society," the parliamentarian said.

"Although Vadym Ivanovich has not been heading it for so long, there should already be some achievements. We do not see them yet," the MP said.