Ukroboronprom enterprises will remain within state concern until corporatization - CEO

The state concern Ukroboronprom will corporatize its enterprises until the creation of a new holding company and subsidiaries on its basis during transformation, Director General of Ukroboronprom Yuriy Husev said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine.
"Under the leadership of the prime minister, it was decided at the meeting that corporatization would be carried out by Ukroboronprom," he said, asked whether the initiative of the Ministry for Strategic Industries to withdraw from the state concern of Antonov, Ivchenko Progress and four more state-owned enterprises of the aviation industry will be implemented.
He added that Ukroboronprom expects the adoption of a bill on the specifics of reforming state-owned defense industry enterprises (No. 3822), which will allow corporatization to be carried out as efficiently, transparently and in a short time as possible.
In addition to plans for the corporatization of the enterprises, the general director announced the introduction of a new organizational structure for Ukroboronprom in order to reform the two holdings, reboot its scientific and technical council and plans to create a project office that will deal with specific projects next year.
Husev added that the transition to a new organizational structure is accompanied by an analysis of the activities of all heads of the state concern, based on the results of which appropriate personnel decisions will be made.