New proposal on green energy submitted to Ukrainian govt – Energy Community

Two renewable energy associations party to the dispute about changes to the support scheme in Ukraine have submitted an updated proposal to the government of Ukraine for the solution of the dispute, and the parties in the dispute should move faster and more substantially towards agreeing on a well-balanced set of mutual commitments, the Energy Community Secretariat has said.
According to a statement posted on the website of the Energy Community on Wednesday, the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency and the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association submitted the proposal on April 7.
The proposal addresses the key issues still open after several rounds of negotiations, namely restructuring of power purchase agreements and feed-in tariffs, the release of capacity for wind energy investors for the benefit of future auctions, balancing responsibility and compensation for curtailments of wind and solar producers.
The Energy Community did not specify the ways of settling the problem that were proposed by the market players this time, but it said that the parties should use the momentum created by the proposal, take their responsibility towards a sector increasingly in distress serious and move faster and more substantially towards agreeing on a well-balanced set of mutual commitments.
The Secretariat also said that the ongoing mediation by the Energy Community has prepared the ground to build on and remains open for a fair, transparent and fast finalization.