Bayer launches seed plant in Zhytomyr region for $200 mln

Germany's Bayer chemical concern has launched a seed plant in the village of Pochuiky (Zhytomyr region) for $200 million, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has written on his Facebook page.
"Today [on September 5] in Zhytomyr region, a new modern plant for the production of seeds of agricultural products of Bayer company was opened. These are 85 permanent and 220 seasonal jobs for Ukrainians. It is important that Bayer helps to solve social issues of the local community - supports the school and library, financed the construction of a new road and an outpatient clinic," he wrote.
Poroshenko said that $200 million of investment funds were attracted for the construction of the plant.
"This is more evidence that Ukraine is an attractive country for international investment," the president said.
According to a press release from Bayer, the plant was opened to expand maize production of the Dekalb trademark in Ukraine and to ensure demand for seeds in the 2019sowing season. In the future, it is planned to expand the plant's activities, including supply to international markets.
The production and storage capacity of the plant is 750,000 sowing units of maize seeds per year.
Bayer is an international company specializing in life sciences, namely, health and agriculture. The company has been operating in Ukraine since 1992 in the form of Bayer LLC, is a major supplier of crop protection agents (pesticides, herbicides and fungicides) and seeds in Ukraine.