12:21 11.07.2018

Economy ministry predicts gas price hikes for households by 18% this year

1 min read
Economy ministry predicts gas price hikes for households by 18% this year

 Ukraine's Ministry of Economic Development and Trade forecasts an increase by 18% in the marginal retail gas prices for households in 2018 (December 2018 over December 2017), which is mentioned in a draft government decree on the forecast of social and economic development for 2019-2021.

The document says the gas price for the population may increase by 5-8% in 2019 (depending on the scenario), by 14% in 2020, and it will remain unchanged in 2021.

Retail power rates for households, according to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, will not change in 2018 (December to December), but they are expected to grow by 25% annually in 2019-2021.

According to the ministry's estimates, retail power rates for industrial enterprises in 2018 will increase by 16%, and further by 10% every year in 2019-2021.