Consumer confidence of Ukrainians in March improves after negative trend in Jan-Feb

The consumer confidence of Ukrainians improved in March 2018: The Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) equals 57.7, which is 2.3 points higher than the indicator in February 2018, according to a study of GfK Ukraine.
According to the study, the expectations of Ukrainians regarding the hryvna's exchange rate in the coming three months improved: Index of Devaluation Expectations decreased by 9.9 points and reached the level of 149.9.
Index of Propensity to Consume increased by 6.8 points and reached the indicator of 65.2. Index of Expected Changes in Personal Financial Standing increased by 4.3 points comparing to the previous month and reached 58.8.
The most positive dynamics of the Index of Propensity to Consume and the Index of Expected Changes in Personal Financial Standing has been recorded in the large cities (over 500,000 residents)," GfK Ukraine.
Meanwhile, Index of Inflationary Expectations decreased by 4.2 points, and reached 183.
Index of Expectations of the Country’s Economic Development
Over the Next Year increased by 3.8 points and equaled 55. Index of Expectations of the Country's Economic Development in the Country Over the Next 5 Years equaled 61.4 in March, which is 2.7 points lower than the indicator in February. In general, Index of Economic Expectations (ІЕE) increased by 1.8 points to 58.4 in March.
Index of Current Personal Financial Standing equaled 48, which is 0.7 points lower than the indicator in February. In March, the expectations of Ukrainians regarding the possibility of unemployment have not significantly changed: the indicator of Index of Expectations of Changes in Unemployment decreased by 0.4 points and equaled 134.3.