12:30 21.02.2018

No final arrangements with IMF on anti-corruption court, gas prices – Finance minister

1 min read
No final arrangements with IMF on anti-corruption court, gas prices – Finance minister

A visit of a small staff team of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to Ukraine on February 12 through February 16 was fruitful, although there are no final arrangements on the creation of the anti-corruption court and the gas sector reform, Ukrainian Finance Minister Oleksandr Danyliuk has said.

"We have moved forward on some [issues]. We have some progress in some [issues], for example, the anti-corruption court and energy reform, but no final arrangement has been made," he said on Channel 5 TV.

He also said that Vice President of the World Bank Cyril Muller also visited Ukraine in that period. We discussed the issues echoed in the cooperation program with the IMF.

Danyliuk said that a compromise has been reached for some proposals of international financial institutions (IFIs) to the president's bill on the anti-corruption court.

"Even not a compromise, but the consent that this will be taken into account," the minister said.

He said that there is an arrangement that the anti-corruption structure was vertical: the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), Special Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO) and Anti-Corruption Court.