16:06 24.01.2018

Ukrainian players interested in Ukrainian startups, but more information is needed - investors

2 min read
Ukrainian players interested in Ukrainian startups, but more information is needed - investors

Ukrainian startups, especially in the blockchain area, are of interest to large international investment companies, but they should be more active in the information field, representatives of major venture investment companies have said on the sidelines of the Ukraine House in Davos.

President of Swiss Finance + Technology Association (Swiss FinTech) John Hucker told Interfax-Ukraine that if a company goes through Silicon Valley in California, it's easier for it to reach a partner, mentor, or investor, but this is no longer an obligatory condition. If there is an idea, financial flow, management, Ukrainian companies can also expect to receive financing, he added.

In addition, Europe has a new Silicon Valley in the Swiss town of Zug, which does not need money from California and is quite loyal to the Eastern European markets.

However, investors warn against seeking international financing only at the level of an idea.

According to CEO of The Tapscott Group Don Tapscott, the group looks very carefully at startups, primarily on the quality of documents, management, and existing processes.

Large companies note the presence of a huge number of talents in this area in Ukraine, but to achieve success they must be more active in the information field.

Ukraine's first-ever Ukraine House in Davos, Switzerland, is held during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in January 2018. The Ukraine House will work within a week under the slogan "Ukraine: Creativity, Innovation, Opportunity" and is intended to become a dynamic discussion hub. Ukraine House will demonstrate Ukraine's investment potential and business opportunities to global business leaders, politician and civil society representatives. Ukraine House is open from January 22 to January 26, 2018.

The project is organized by organized by the Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (UVCA) in partnership with Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF) and Victor Pinchuk Foundation.