11:23 10.07.2017

M.E.Doc developer issues safe update, Ukraine authorized digital key certification center proposes re-issue of digital keys for free

1 min read

Developer of M.E.Doc tax reporting software IT-expert has issued an update providing for safe usage of the software, IT-expert has said on its Facebook page, referring to CEO Olesia Bilousova.

"Today we officially handed update 190 to the cyber police. It removes backdoor from our product. After its check the cyber police department would present its conclusions. I hope to launch it tomorrow," she said on July 7.

M.E.Doc posted an announcement for the users of the Ukraine authorized digital key certification center on its website.

"If you have suffered from the attack and lost the keys, we propose to reissue them for free in any regional office of the Ukraine authorized digital key certification center. To ensure the safe receipt and further use of the electronic digital signature we recommend that you contact the director of the company personally," it says.

When applying to a representative office, it is necessary to submit new applications in electronic form (.pck format) and in paper form signed by each of the subscribers.

It is also necessary to provide the constituent documents for the enterprises and a document certifying identity and a power of attorney. It is also necessary to block previous certificates.