Consortium headed by Rothschild to restructure insider loans of PrivatBank

A consortium of international companies headed by Rothschild & Co. will be involved in restructuring and return of loans of PrivatBank (Kyiv) issued to affiliated persons (insider loans), the press service of PrivatBank has told Interfax-Ukraine.
"The supervisory board of PrivatBank on April 13 selected a consortium of companies consisting of Rothschild, Ernst & Young LLC (EY) and FinPoint LLC winners of the tender to select the international recognized company to hold talks on restructuring, adding more collateral and restoring the cost of troubled loans, other loans and financial leasing liabilities provided to former ultimate beneficiaries of PrivatBank or persons who are directly or indirectly linked to the former ultimate beneficiaries of the bank.
The cooperation agreement between the bank and the above-mentioned companies will be signed early May.
The Ukrainian government on December 18, 2016 decided to nationalize Ukraine's No. 1 bank, PrivatBank. It became wholly owned by the state. After the government became its owner, the Finance Ministry additionally injected UAH 116.8 billion into it, including UAH 9.8 billion in 2017.
Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) Valeriya Gontareva said on April 10 that the post-audit of PrivatBank after its nationalization has revealed additional problems at the bank, which would require an additional capitalization of the bank by the state. She said that the post-audit established that not 97%, but 100% of the corporate portfolio was issued to affiliated persons.