Businessman Grigorishin proposes to unify energy consumers' bills in kWh

The transfer of the tariffs in the fuel and energy complex and housing sector to the unified unit of measurement would allow minimizing manipulations with them and would stimulate consumer to use the most effective energy, according to businessman Konstantin Grigorishin.
"I do not understand why the NCER [the National Commission for Energy, Housing and Utilities Services Regulation] sets the tariffs for TPPs [thermal power plants] in calories, fuel in tonnes or cubic meters and electricity in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Why not to bring everything to one unit of measurement?" he said in an interview with Energoreform portal of Interfax-Ukraine news agency.
Grigorishin said that Europe uses kWh for these measurements.
"Coal is sold in kWh, gas and head in kWh, and then everything is clear and easy to compare. Here we have strange calories, tonnes, cubic meters… A good ground for manipulations using the units of measurements," the businessman said.
He said that this unification would help consumers to make conclusions on the appropriateness of switch to electric heating.