Grigorishin loses $300 mln arbitration in London to Novinsky and Lukyanenko

A company of the ex-director general and one of the major shareholders of PJSC Sumy Machine-Building Science and Production Association (Sumy NPO), Vladimir Lukyanenko, and his partner Vadim Novinsky has won an arbitration case in London against businessman Konstantin Grigorishin's Energy Standard, controlling Sumy NPO, according to the edition.
"The consideration of a dispute between the company of Vadim Novinsky and Vladimir Lukyanenko and Konstantin Grigorishin's Energy Standard holding in London ended in early May. According to, the London Court of International Arbitration on May 9 ruled in favor of Novinsky's and Lukyanenko's company for a total of over $300 million," reads the report.
The object of proceedings is the dispute on the option for a stake in PJSC Sumy NPO. The dispute had lasted since 2013.
Novinsky confirmed the London arbitration had made the corresponding ruling, however he did not disclose its details "because it would violate confidentiality provisions."
As reported, at the beginning of this year Stremvol Holdings Limited (Cyprus) owned a 83.736% stake in PJSC Sumy NPO, another 10% was owned by Prostseno Trading (Cyprus).