17:18 21.11.2016

Court decides to collect 180 mln ruble penalty from Antonov in favor of Russian defense ministry

1 min read
Court decides to collect 180 mln ruble penalty from Antonov in favor of Russian defense ministry

The arbitration court of Moscow on November 18 decided to collect 180.3 million Russian rubles in a cancelation penalty against Ukraine's Antonov State Enterprise in favor of Defense Ministry of Russia, according to a posting on the court's website.

The claim was filed to collect 357.5 million rubles.

Antonov is a leading Ukrainian aircraft designer and manufacturer and an acclaimed world leader in the area of various types of transport aircraft. It was included in Ukroboronprom State Concern in April 2015 on the government's orders.

Ukraine in June 2014 imposed a ban on military and technical cooperation with Russia, including double-purpose products. The Ukrainian government in May 2015 terminated the intergovernmental agreement with Russia in the military and technical cooperation sphere signed in 1993.