16:25 10.06.2016

Ukroboronprom creates Ukrainian aircraft production cooperation, including Antonov

2 min read
Ukroboronprom creates Ukrainian aircraft production cooperation, including Antonov

State-run concern Ukroboronprom has created under its aegis an aircraft construction cluster, called Ukrainian Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and included in it state enterprise Antonov, public joint companies Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Technology (UKRNIIAT), Mayak Factory (all three – in Kyiv), state enterprises Novator (Khmelnytsky), Kharkhiv Machine Building Factory "FED" and Kharkhiv Aggregate Design Bureau.

"The concern is consolidating the country's aviation building capacity, the foundation of which will be Antonov. UAC is the first example of military industrial consolidation in the country," Ukroboronprom said in a press release on Friday.

The aim of UAC is general planning for serial production, a unified center for the purchase of materials and parts and a joint marketing and sales office. According to the press release, UAC will be significantly expanded and include enterprises with different forms of ownership.

"Ukroboronprom says that international aircraft companies Boeing and Airbus use a similar corporate model.

"We will receive a positive economic effect by merging construction capacities of the corporation members and simplifying redundant administrative services," Ukroboronprom head Roman Romanov is quoted as saying. He adds that the concern will create clusters from all of its enterprises.

Ukroboronprom believes that the aircraft construction cluster will allow its enterprises to cooperate with partners from the private sector, transform Ukraine's aviation sector into a unified powerful mechanism with precise coordination of development, as well to more deeply integrate itself in the work market while at the same time adopting international standards.

State enterprise Antonov said Mykhailo Hvozdev has been appointed UAC head. He worked as Antonov president since June 2015. He was replaced by Antonov Vice President Oleksandr Kotsiuba on June 8, 2015.

According to the state register, UAC (Kyiv) was registered on May 31, 2016. Its founders are public joint companies Mayak (100% state owned) and UKRNIIAT, the beneficiary of which is Heorgiy Krivov.

The management bodies of UAC include the board of the corporation and general director, who is currently Oleksiy Budovytsky.