Cabinet proposes providing UAH 300 mln to cheapen credits in agriculture in 2016, UAH 50 mln to support cattle breeding

The draft 2016 national budget foresees support of farmers in the amount of UAH 350 million, including UAH 300 million for the program on cheapening credits in agriculture and UAH 50 million to support cattle breeding.
The information is outlined in the draft 2016 national budget registered by the government in the parliament on September 14, 2015.
The total sum earmarked to the Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry for 2016 is UAH 2.008 billion. UAH 656.937 million will be sent for the operation of the ministry's staff, UAH 84.794 million for general management in agriculture, UAH 86.763 million for researches and training of scientific staff, UAH 14.316 million for training of specialists in the sector and UAH 13.04 million for organization and regulation of operation of institutions in the agricultural system and provision for the operation of the Agrarian Fund.
Some UAH 546.196 million will be sent to finance operation of the State Veterinary and Biosecurity Service, UAH 134.745 million for the State Agency of Fishing Industry, UAH 129.921 million for the State Agency of Forest Resources, UAH 11.978 million for the State Inspectorate of Agriculture and UAH 528.368 million for the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.