Investors evaluation of Ukraine is underestimate - Finance Minister

Ukraine has a reputation as a reliable borrower and its current evaluation by investors is underestimated, Finance Minister of Ukraine Natalie Jaresko has said, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland).
"In 2009, a forecast of default was made for Ukraine, which has not happened. Ukraine borrowed funds, but returned money," the finance minister stated.
She noted that Ukraine needs a significant financial aid package, but the amount needed is much less than was issued to Greece.
Jaresko noted that the current Ukrainian government, unlike its predecessor, focuses on reforms, is fighting against corruption, and is working on resolving the conflict in the east.
"There are strong people in Ukraine who want changes, and there is a dignity that allows this country to move forward... Markets are looking mainly at figures, they do not look at human resources, and this is a problem," she said.