Russian loan does not foresee early repayment, says Ukrainian PM

The terms under which Russia issued a loan to Ukraine do not envisage any early repayments, Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov has said.
"The agreements between the two presidents, and the terms under which we signed this loan, do not envisage any early repayments," Azarov said in the Exam for Authorities program on the First National TV Channel on Friday.
"We will not do this. We will use this loan as we think best," he said.
Azarov said that most highly placed Russian officials were against extending the loan to Ukraine "on such exclusively advantageous terms."
"At a recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he told me, 'All my advisors, meaning ministers, except for government representatives, were against extending the credit to Ukraine. If I had been in their place, purely on the financial-economic merits, I would probably been against it,'" the prime minister said.
Ukraine will use the first $3 billion received from Russia for social payments, he said.
"Now, of course, we have to use the first tranche to cover all social payments. We had certain problems with wages at the end of the year," Azarov said.
After meeting with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych on December 17, Putin said that Russia would use National Welfare Fund money to buy $15 billion worth of Ukrainian Eurobonds, including $3 billion worth this month. The coupon rate for the securities, placed on the Ireland Stock Exchange, will be 5% per annum.
Russia acquired the first tranche of the bonds on December 23.